last night i got to participate in an awesome event in downtown howell, MI. the event was called the pink party and it was a fundraiser to benefit the mid-Michigan affiliate of the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation! the whole town was painted pink in celebration of survivors and fighters, and to honor those who unfortunately didn't make it. this year was the best turnout yet, with over 1,000 attendees and participators.
carly and i made shirts! on the front they said "hope" and "think pink" and the back said "zumba, bitches." "i pink i can, i pink i can." and a slightly more controversial but straight to the point "fuck cancer". :)
i was there with my zumba class to do 2 flash mobs, and they were a huge hit! the flash mob included 3 songs and Joanie, my zumba instructor, said "I chose 'Thriller' because being diagnosed with cancer is like a nightmare, 'Survivor' because you fight through it to survive and 'New Day' because beating cancer feels like it's a new day,".
it was an amazing evening and an excellent way to celebrate a great cause! :) carly, thank you for being a part of it with me! matt, thank you for supporting us! joanie, YOU'RE AWESOME, GIRL!
"are you two best friends or sisters?"
xoxo, lex
YOU and Carly (and the boys too, with their pink collars LOL!!) are so stickin' cute!! I love that you did the Flash Mob. Too much FUN!!!